25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

2022 Siepi | DMG

Flagge Rotwein
Weinart: Rotwein
Rebsorte: 50% Sangiovese, 50% Cabernet Sauvignon
Flagge Italien
Land: Italien
Region: Toskana
Qualitätsstufe: IGT
Ausbau: 3 Monate im Betontank, 18 Monate im Barrique, davon 70% neu
Stilistik: kräftig
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Alkoholgehalt: 14,5% Vol.
Trinktemperatur: 15-18°C
Grimm 93 /100
Suckling 97 /100
Wine Advocate 96 /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

429,00 €*

Inhalt: 3 Liter (143,00 €* / 1 Liter)

Subskription 2024: Die Auslieferung erfolgt voraussichtlich im Frühling 2025.

Produktnummer: 18230

Michael Grimm

"... intensive Nase, vollreif+, Kirschen, etwas offene Nase, mittlerer Körper, kräftige Tannine, etwas gezehrt, Sangiovese zu reif. Muster ok?." (07/2024)

James Suckling

The aromas of dark berries, violets and perfume are enchanting. The palate is medium-bodied with ultra-fine tannins that are polished and so elegant and they run the length of the wine. They are rather endless. Very classy and balanced. A merlot and sangiovese blend. Give this a year or two, but it’s already a joy to drink. Drink or hold.(09/2024)

Parker – Wine Advocate

The Mazzei 2022 Siepi marks this wine's 30th anniversary. I have a special connection to this wine, as I was present when some of the final blending options (with fruit from various parcels within the greater Siepi vineyard) were being decided. My personal preference was for the interpretation that showed the brightest fruit and the most energy. Those qualities are transferred over to this bottle, and I do agree that this celebratory vintage offers an excellent opportunity to tweak the winemaking of this historic blend of Sangiovese and Merlot. This warm vintage offers plenty of primary fruit with bold cherry as the protagonist. Softer tones of blue flower and grilled rosemary appear at the back. However, the oak spice and cinnamon need time to integrate. The results put the 2022 vintage on par with classic years such as 2021 and 2019. - Monica Larner (07/2024)
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