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2022 Concerto di Fonterutoli

Flagge Rotwein
Weinart: Rotwein
Rebsorte: 80% Sangiovese, 20% Cabernet Sauvignon
Flagge Italien
Land: Italien
Region: Toskana
Qualitätsstufe: IGT
Ausbau: 4 Monate im Betontank, 18 Monate im Barrique
Stilistik: vielschichtig, fruchtbetont
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Alkoholgehalt: 14,5% Vol.
Trinktemperatur: 15-18°C
Grimm 93+ /100
Suckling 94 /100
Vinous 95 /100
Wine Advocate 95 /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

57,00 €*

Inhalt: 0.75 Liter (76,00 €* / 1 Liter)

Subskription 2024: Die Auslieferung erfolgt voraussichtlich im Frühling 2025.

Produktnummer: 17555

Michael Grimm

"...schöne, komplexe Nase, sehr saubere, klare Frucht, saftig, appetitliche Säure, Kirschen, Lakritze." (07/2024)



The 2022 Concerto di Fonterutoli, 80% Sangiovese and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, is a hugely promising wine. Big fruit and juicy contours lend quite a bit of immediacy. All things considered, Concerto is beautifully done for the vintage. I would give it a few years in bottle, as it needs time to develop more layers of aromatic nuance.

- Antonio Galloni (06/2024)


James Suckling

An intense and concentrated Sangiovese with lush black cherry fruit, earth, black pepper and licorice. Full-bodied with dense, velvety. slightly dusty tannins. Elegant, integrated acidity and a lively, toasted finish. Great potential for aging, yet good to drink now. (08/2024)

Parker – Wine Advocate

The Mazzei 2022 Concerto di Fonterutoli is lovely, with a dark and velvety character that holds strong over a long, polished finish. The style encapsulated here is modern classic in this celebrated blend of 80% Sangiovese and 20% Cabernet Sauvignon. The Tuscan grape finishes in large oak casks, and the French variety ages in barrique. Production is 38,000 bottles. - Monica Larner (07/2024)
Mazzei | Castello di Fonterutoli

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