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25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

Michael Grimm

The Drinks Business: 98 Punkte
"From a cooler vintage, I find this so gracious and composed. Glacially plunge-pool cool at the core but stretched over a broader and more ample frame, so this is more like plunging into a lake than a deep well. Raspberries. Crushed berries. So juicy, gracious and limpid. The tannins are ultra-fine grained and seem to creep between the layers, allowing them to glide or roll as if conveyed on beads of glass. Juicy and sapid right to the finish. An amazing wine. Unique. Vibrant. And with an intense salinity and sapidity combining on the finish." - Colin Hay

Clos Apalta-Logo
Clos Apalta | Domaines Bournet Lapostolle

Clos Apalta | Domaines Bournet Lapostolle – ikonisches Weingut aus Chile

Die Geschichte des 1994 ins Leben gerufenen chilenischen Weinguts Clos Apalta beginnt bereits ...