25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

2021 "Polyspline" Cabernet Sauvignon - Philipp Melka

Flagge Rotwein
Weinart: Rotwein
Rebsorte: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Flagge USA / Kalifornien
Land: USA / Kalifornien
Region: Napa Valley
Ausbau: Barrique/ Holzfass
Stilistik: strukturiert, kräftig, tanninreich
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Trinktemperatur: 15-18°C
Grimm 97+ /100
Dunnuck 98+ /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

Wein auf Anfrage

Inhalt: 0.75 Liter
Wein anfragen
Produktnummer: 15437

Michael Grimm

"...sehr komplexe Frucht, viel Frucht, feine Mokka-Noten, Kaffee, große Balance, feine Süße am Gaumen, feine Bitterschoko im langen Finale." (09/2024)

Jeb Dunnuck

The 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon Polyspline is made by Philippe Melka and comes mostly from Ecotone and Martines Vineyard, and it includes 3% Petit Verdot that was brought up in 85% new barrels. It's a structured, concentrated, beast of a wine offering lots of red and black fruits, baking spices, chocolate, and hints of iron. Full-bodied, concentrated, and structured on the palate, this is classic 2021 all the way. It needs 4-5 years of bottle age and will evolve for 3 decades with ease. (12/2023)
Fairest Creature