25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

2019 Vivaltus

Flagge Rotwein
Weinart: Rotwein
Rebsorte: 99% Tempranillo, 1% Merlot
Flagge Spanien
Land: Spanien
Region: Ribera del Duero
Ausbau: 11 Monate im Barrique
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Restsüße: 2,3 g/l
Säuregehalt: 5,0 g/l
Alkoholgehalt: 14,0% Vol.
Trinktemperatur: 15-18°C
Suckling 94 /100
Wine Advocate 95 /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

94,00 €*

Inhalt: 0.75 Liter (125,33 €* / 1 Liter)

Subskription 2024: Die Auslieferung erfolgt voraussichtlich im Frühling 2025.

Produktnummer: 18274

James Suckling

There’s a peppery lift to the botanicals, dried herbs, mulberries, chalk and dark cherries. This wine might make you think of the landscape, with abundant, powdery tannins firmly surrounding the palate. Full-bodied, but so juicy and effortless at the same time. Soft extraction, elegance and roundness on the palate. Drink from 2025. (09/2024)

Parker – Wine Advocate

The 2019 Vivaltus was produced with a blend of Tempranillo and Merlot from La Aguilera and Fuentenebro in search of elegance, freshness and finesse with the help of Jean-Claude Berrouet. They ferment each plot separately with neutral yeasts, and after malolactic they make the blend that then ages in barrel, 15% new, and 5% in clay tinajas for one year. 2019 was dry, with lower yields, and the grapes were smaller, the skins were hard, and the juice was concentrated and powerful. They did a gentler vinification, trying to extract less. This is always serious and classical, with the ripeness from the year but keeping the floral and elegant side. It has 14% alcohol, a pH of 3.56—keeping the balance in this very warm and dry year—and 5.23 grams of acidity. It has the ingredients and balance between them to age nicely and for a long time in bottle. 16,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in June 2021. 

- Luis Gutierrez (06/2024)

Vivaltus by Jean-Claude Berrouet – das Leben genießen

Wer seit Jahren zu den Koryphäen seines Fachs gehört, der stellt sich nicht selten selbst neuen Herausforderungen. Im Falle des Vivaltus Weinguts in der renommierten spanischen Appellation Castilla León waren ...