25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

2018 Le Désir | MG

Flagge Rotwein
Weinart: Rotwein
Rebsorte: 82% Cabernet Franc, 12% Merlot, 6% Malbec
Flagge USA / Kalifornien
Land: USA / Kalifornien
Region: Sonoma County
American Viticultural Area: Alexander Valley, Bennett Valley, Chalk Hill, Knights Valley
Ausbau: Barrique/ Holzfass
Stilistik: würzig, voluminös, tanninreich
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Trinktemperatur: 15-18°C
Grimm 97 /100
Suckling 97 /100
Vinous 94-97 /100
Dunnuck 98+ /100
Perrotti-Brown 98 /100
Wine Advocate 97+ /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

798,00 €*

Inhalt: 1.5 Liter (532,00 €* / 1 Liter)

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage (Ins Ausland abweichende Lieferzeiten)

Produktnummer: 4401

Michael Grimm


"...tolle, schwarzbeerige Nase, Cassis, große Finesse, feine florale Noten, feine Süße am Gaumen, große Finesse" (08/2022)

In der Nase offenbaren sich bei dem Le Désir 2018 Noten von Zwetschgen, Brombeeren, eingelegten Himbeeren und Kirschen, unterlegt von milden Gewürzen wie Piment, Wacholderbeere, dunkle Schokolade und Kalamata-Oliven. Im Glas ist der Rotwein eher heller in seiner Farbe. Am Gaumen überzeugt der Wein mit einem feinen, fruchtigen und reifen Aroma von schwarzen Johannisbeeren. Die Tannine sind seidig und lassen den Wein im ersten Augenblick zart erscheinen. Schnell erkennt man jedoch die intensive Kraft, die nach und nach zum Vorschein kommt. Die kräftige Fruchtnote hat ein ihr sehr zuträgliches mineralisches Fundament. Der Abgang ist ätherisch kühl und langanhaltend. Dieser Wein gehört zur eleganten, kraftvollen Extraklasse. Ein Wein, der mit all seiner Muskulatur regelrecht am Gaumen tänzelt! Bei diesem Rotwein ist garantiert: Ist er einmal ausgeschenkt, wird das weitere Nachschenken nicht lange auf sich warten lassen.



94-97 POINTS
For the first time ever, Le Désir is 100% Cabernet Franc in 2018. Vivid and brilliant in the glass, Le Désir bristles with energy. A vivid array of dark fruit, leather, spice, licorice, chocolate and espresso captivates all the senses. The 2018 Le Désir is a very special wine in the making.

- Antonio Galloni (01/2020)

James Suckling

Blackberry, violet and crushed stone on the nose. Pure fruit, but reserved and tensioned. Full-bodied with firm, tight tannins and a long finish. Some tightness. The tannins spread across the palate, so integrated and toned yet chewy. A structured and almost steely wine. 82% cabernet franc, 12% merlot and 6% malbec. Better after 2024. (01/2022)

Jeb Dunnuck

The Cabernet Franc blend of the trio, the 2018 Le Desir is 82% Cabernet Franc, 12% Merlot, and 6% Malbec, and as with all these wines, it was brought up in new barrels. Ruby/purple and not completely opaque, it offers up a classic Cabernet Franc nose of mostly red fruits, spring flowers, damp earth, cedary spices, and truffle. Medium to full-bodied on the palate, it shines for its incredible elegance and purity more than outright power, yet it still brings plenty of richness. With ultra-fine tannins, perfect balance, and one heck of a great finish, it's another great, great wine from this estate. (07/2021)

Lisa Perrotti-Brown

The 2018 Le Desir is composed of 82% Cabernet Franc, 12% Merlot, and 6% Malbec, aged for 16 months in 100% new French oak. Deep garnet-purple in color, it sashays out with provocative scents of redcurrant preserves, kirsch, black raspberries, and dusty soil, followed by hints of tobacco, Sichuan pepper, and rosehip tea. Medium to full-bodied, the palate is very tightly wound, with loads of red and black fruit layers intertwined with minerals and savory nuances, framed by very firm, grainy tannins, leading to a long and earthy finish for this beautiful wine. 2,500 cases were made. (06/2022)

Parker – Wine Advocate


Composed of 82% Cabernet Franc, 12% Merlot and 6% Malbec, the 2018 Le Désir was aged for 16 months in 100% new French oak. Deep garnet-purple in color, it is a little closed to begin, soon unfurling to offer glimpses at notes of kirsch, raspberry preserves and mulberry scents, plus hints of cedar chest, crushed rocks, bay leaves, Sichuan pepper and lavender with a waft of sandalwood. The medium to full-bodied palate has tons of freshness to support the melange of preserved red and black fruits, textured by grainy tannins, finishing with a lingering peppery kick. It may require just a little more time to come around than the La Joie and La Muse, and then I suspect this beauty is going to reward the patient.

- Lisa Perrotti-Brown (07/2021)

Vérité Winery

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